Three things I wanted to let you know about, because I'm excited about them, so think you should be too.
1. The team behind Ong Bak are making an english language film with Robin Shou, which you're right to be concerned about, but I think if Prachya Pinkaew is directing and Panna Rittikrai doing choreography, we can hope for another kick-ass movie. For report, visit
2. Yuen Woo-Ping is also set to return to directing in China. You should recognise that name as the choreographer the Wachowski Bros used in the Matrix films, and has been working pretty solidly in Hollywood since then. But if you haven't seen his Hong Kong films, well I think you're missing out. The film is called True Legend and is based on some famous beggar martial artist. For full report visit
Twitch again.
3. And finally, Neil Blomkamp has got a deal going to make a new sci-fi movie, which just make me giddy with joy, as District 9 was one of my favourite movies of the year, if not the favourite. Sounds like he's got it so the producers are hands off, so he's free to make his movie without interference, which gave us District 9 last time, so that works for me. For full report visit
So these are all a ways off, some may not even get made with the case of the Robin Shou one, but I'll wait with mild anticipation until then. Still, we still got plenty of great films coming up, like Where The Wild Things Are, The Expendables and Predators, so we'll try maintain some decorum and parcel out the excitement over time.